2L Spring Finals / Uptown Apartment

The junkie watch

Loft Condos Apartments

The junkies living underneath me were evicted yesterday. The management company secretary said that booting the junkies out was a nightmare, and the building owner called and to apologize for ever renting to them.

The junkies made this semester rough. They screamed at all hours of the night, blocked and trashed the hallways, broke windows, and even fired a gun.

I was constantly exhausted at school and embarrassed to tell my classmates about my slum-tastic building. But now the junkies are gone, just in time for finals.

There’s only one problem: the junkies completely smashed out their apartment’s window and can easily crawl back into the building. They may have already returned because there was loud pounding on my door this morning when I was in the shower. (I didn’t answer.)

A 911 call or two within the next few days is likely, and I don’t get maimed again for finals. We’ll see. The junkie watch has started.

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