Gunter and I have started spending some serious time on the Katy Trail.
The Katy Trail is a long biking and walking path that cuts through Uptown Dallas. You can take the trail toward downtown Dallas or Highland Park.
We typically go for 5.5 miles in the morning and 3 or 4 miles in the evening.
My Fitbit friends must hate me.

A good week on Fitbit, mostly due to our rambling Katy Trail walks.
The Katy Trail poses some interesting logistical problems.
It’s ass-hot in Dallas during the summer, so we typically have to start our morning jaunts around 5 a.m.
Our normal walks also include at least one Starbucks trip, but I’m beginning to realize that I need to phase that out because:
- No one needs coffee when it is 80 degrees outside.
- There aren’t any restrooms/portapotties along the trail, and sneaking into construction-site portapotties is considered bad form here.
- The second Starbucks is in The Crescent, which contains a high-end mall and several offices.
Many of the office workers view sweaty joggers at Starbucks as a violation of the social contract – they have to get up and look presentable, so who the hell am I to be working out at this hour?
The result is that I get serious stank eye, which I prefer not to get before noon.
It’s also so warm that I come back drenched in sweat.
This means that I’m doing a crazy amount of laundry every week and have serious first world problems.
Hopefully we can start taking these jogs at less extreme hours in the fall – although I don’t think Gunter cares much.

Gunter at the Snyder’s Union Overlook of Katy Trail in Dallas.
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