Law School – 2L / legal humor / picture of the day

The law school makeover

It’s 10 a.m. and I am clutching a bottle of vodka to my brow.

I tripped on a dog leash while returning from the morning dog walk and slammed straight into a door knob ala Final Destination.

I heard a crunch and felt like I just got decked by Brooke Hogan.

This was surely going to give me a juicy knot, and the frozen vodka bottle served as my ice-pack.

The juicy knot never formed on my forehead, but the tender feeling and light-headedness was the final touch to my 2L makeover:


  • Gino
    February 12, 2010 at 6:56 am

    Is you in law school now??? Fancy… Haha 😀

    • Jansen
      February 12, 2010 at 12:56 pm

      Haha, yes. Catchup stranger!

  • abbie
    February 13, 2010 at 9:54 am

    plus 20 points for a brooke hogan reference.

  • Outline of my 2L year at the University of Minnesota Law School
    April 5, 2015 at 8:08 pm

    […] The law school makeover: […]


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