college / Senior Year

Mangroves & Resistance

I’m facing some hardcore resistance writing my last history paper. It needs to be all of three pages. I’ve done all the research. I’ve read over 300 pages for this thing. I’m so just so incredibly bored with the subject that I can’t stop whining about not writing and just write it because I don’t want to write it.

And well, I need to. The FTS (F-this-S) hormones have arrived. They need to go away for the 45-or-so-minutes this thing will take to write.

I even entertained the idea of not writing the paper for a while, but when I mentioned this to Miss Pao she threw a fit. Seriously. Stomping and all.

She might stab me if I don’t turn it in.

Today Matt and I went to the mangrove swamp.

The swamp. I ran face-first into a web with a huge-huge spider up in there yonder.

We were stalked by the pelican with the greedy eyes.

I don’t trap hermit crabs in random Heineken bottles…but someone does.

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