my legal space

MLS: Weekend edition

Here are some pictures of My Legal Space this weekend.

I went to the East Lake public library for the first time this weekend. It looks like a baby-version of the Pelli Library, and the parking is free.

I left after about an hour because the middle schoolers obviously had unlimited weekend minutes…

I also studied at a Caribou in St. Paul this week. This was my view:

Gorgeous. I know. There was something funny about the two coffee cups on the trash can, but everything is funny after so much time spent with 18 U.S.C. § 1344 and 18 U.S.C. § 1028(a)…

This Caribou had a drive-thru. I think drive-thru coffee shops are a bit ridiculous1 but maybe someone will explain the concept to me.

I’m going to spend most of my summer in St. Paul, so I’m familiarizing myself with the city over the next few months. I’ll visit the Caribou again, but you won’t catch me at the drive-thru…

…I also I rearranged my room this weekend as part of a massive cleaning effort. It is hard for me to concentrate when my room is disheveled.

This concentration problem isn’t just when I’m in my room. When my room is messy it doesn’t matter matter where I am, because there’s always that voice in the back of my head: “Ya room is a disaster. PSST do you remember how messy that room is? You’re going to organize it tonight right? HEY! THE ROOM? MEMBA DA ROOM?” Okay. I get it Martha…

1 I suppose a drive-thru coffee shop is akin to a McDonald’s for lunch purposes (Caribou serves some food), but I think going to a drive-thru for coffee in the morning is silly. Caribou sells ground coffee. Why someone would sit in a drive-thru when they can save time and money brewing it at home. Waiting in line for it seems, well, inconvenient.


  • Katie
    March 2, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    I LOVE drive-through coffee places – I drive around with my 9-month old in the back of the car, and it’s the only way I can get coffee without having to schlep her carseat into the store. It makes me continually mad that there aren’t any in the city – I actually live in Saint Paul, and the closest one is down on 7th Street, though there are 3 Starbucks, 2 Caribous, and 1 Dunn Bros (not to mention a variety of independent places) within 2 miles of my house.

    If you’re looking for the best coffee in Saint Paul, may I recommend Kopplin’s, on Randolph and Hamline? It is AWESOME, though the cups are small if you’re looking for quantity over quality. Good chairs and free wi-fi, though.

    (The dreaded Section A – I’m friends with Dilger from debate)

  • The law library during finals
    December 12, 2009 at 9:21 am

    […] can study in cafes, undergrad libraries, public libraries, and at home with a 100lb dog sleeping on me, but somehow the law school library irritates the hell […]


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