Just Sayin / memories / Senior Year / unsolicited advice

Most important things…

Student alone

My creative writing teacher asked me to write about an object that I will miss when I’m dead.

She asked me to be specific, and she asked me to write in great detail.

I couldn’t think of an object that is significant enough to miss after death.

  • Starbucks coffee?
  • Movies?
  • My MP3 player?
  • Clothes?

No. It’s not that serious.

What I miss is a concept, not an object: the ability to engage in creative, productive work.

The question is, if this really the thing that’s most important to me, then why do I bother with the other stuff?


  • pandasandlions
    April 18, 2008 at 4:28 am

    that is probably the dumbest creative writing assignment I’ve ever heard a professor assign a student.

    I just do not get the point. Sorry if this comes off all bastard-like. I’m just feelin’ fiesty tonight, I suppose.

  • sexynun
    April 18, 2008 at 8:03 pm

    My question would be, how do you know you’ll actually miss anything when you’re dead?


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