Last summer / picture of the day

Mr. Iguana

  • Just finished a punishing duty week and my sleep schedule is decisively fucked.
  • Saw The Happening, and wished I didn’t. Daniel was right, as usual.
  • Another thing I will not miss about Miami is animals like Mr. Iguana here, who completely blocked the path to my car. Mr. Iguana flared at me and simply would not shoo. This went on for about five minute, which seems like a ridiculously long amount of time for a non bear/alligator/chimp etc-like animal to block my car. I even caught myself pondering whether stoning an Iguana to death is a crime against a protected species…

Homeboy must have realized that my thoughts had turned to murder because he eventually, with great show, got out of my way and took to glaring from a distance (as I happily drove off.)

July 4th was rained out. Not that it mattered because I was on duty (which is akin to house arrest). I’ve been on summer RA/conference duty on the 4th for the past three years, so I’m used to it being a non-event. (This goes for Christmas and New Years too. Holidays in college consisted of me alone (and on call) in a completely empty dorm building. You know, just in case the two random exchange students still on campus decided to perhaps, burn something or snort coke in halls.)

Hey, you never know.

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