humor / unsolicited advice

My deodorant epiphany

About once a week you can find me at the convenience store near the law school. I’m that awkward, slightly sweaty guy that obviously had a lapse in proper post-shower etiquette.

I was trapped in a vicious deodorant-buying cycle until I had a epiphany: Since I have a propensity to forget my deodorant, it would save me a ton of money if I just kept a stick in my locker!1 No more overpriced school-convenience-store sticks! 2 Brilliance. I know. It only took me a semester to figure that out.

1 There’s actually a stick in my locker.  These are the ones that I accidentally brought home.

2 For some reason the gopher shop sells different type deodorant each week. It’s a surprise everytime. They usually only have girl-sticks because (I suspect) the boy-deo sticks sell out quicker…


  • Ram Venkatararam
    February 25, 2009 at 7:33 pm

    I own a convenience store and am pretty sure I recognize you from this post. I just though the excess of sweat was because you were a nervous shoplifter.

    A mental apology to you sir. But I’ll still be watching you. You’re shifty lookin…


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