Sophomore Year

My own summer (Machtspiele)

Nights during vacation week were going to be pretty exciting. I realized this Monday morning around 3:20am as Junior and I were literally crawling out of a car parked in Allahpattah as quietly as possible, keeping our head low so JHR’s exgirlfriend’s “cousin” (I suspect they aren’t actually related) wouldn’t hear.

Big hulking Cuban guy. Roid rage. Drama filled night. I completely expected to be treated to Taco Bell after that mess. Needless to say Junior couldn’t go back home that night. Que Drama.

Latin clubs…Little Havana, Houseparties Homestead (a waste of gas/toll money) and got stuck in warehouse district near Little Haiti at 4am with Junior and his brother because Junior’s car broke down. We decided to explore a little, but yeah, guard dogs, homeless people, and rain…AAA wasn’t thrilled.

Armando is equally bad at driving/getting lost as Junior is. He couldn’t find UM (even though he’s from Miami and the school is on freaking US-1) and semi-got lost on the way to Dolphin Mall. After watching “The Omen” I directed him to Denny’s but I suspect when he dropped me back off at the Mall after Denny’s he got lost on the way back to Miami Lakes.

Peter and I did the Industrial circuit this week and went to the Morgue and The Kitchen although we didn’t go to the Alter Ego party on Friday so I spent the night exploring the Everglades and farms with Armando.

That was sheer terror by the way – a guy came out of an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere and followed us. Didn’t say a word though. Yeah. Exactly. We ran the half mile to the car, screaming, and laughing later as we drove to the next place we wanted to explore.

We spent the entire night in the countryside. There was some ref/drug mess going down at the abandoned missile base. We got out of that situation though. Speeding down winding dark farm roads, blasting reggaeton…then sifting through miles of swamp/farmland on foot with flashlights and knives, chucking stones at frogs, and exploring quarries/getting freaked out by the threat of Alligators and guard dogs. Oh, and Wal-Mart of course.

Good times, good times.

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