
“Nice” Critic

Brandon introduced me to, and I’m in love.

About the site: is a way of communicating difficult thoughts comfortably. This free service gives users the ability to say something to someone that has been on their minds in a safe, non-embarrassing environment. They simply visit the site, pick a statement from a wide variety of pre-written “thought bubbles,” and send that message to a friend, acquaintance, or relative’s email address.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • You might want to be more discreet when adjusting your clothes.
  • Regular bathing is more than just a gift you give yourself, it’s one that keeps on giving.
  • Washing your hands after using the restroom is a wonderful way to not spread germs.
  • Please refrain from bringing your personal life to work, it may affect productivity.
  • Your constant loud sneezing could be a distraction.
  • I suggest you try a different salon/barber for your next visit.

And yes, there’s a school section!

  • Try not to interrupt the teacher so much.
  • Your talking in class is distracting. if only they had a law school category… although some of the “general behavior” suggestions are great for law school:

  • Please remember to review the material/subject before meetings.
  • You may not realize that you chew and pop your gum quite loudly, which can be distracting.
  • Remembering to say ‘excuse me’ after natural bodily noises would be greatly appreciated.
  • Sometimes you get a bit too focused on your own point and may not see that others do not agree.

Remember, you can anonymously email all of these (and other) phrases through the site.

No Comments

  • rebecca
    January 20, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    I should write for them.


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