We all walked the dogs at 3 a.m.
I’ve alternatively described my apartment building as a dog-friendly residential hotel, Melrose Place, and an adult dorm.
In true dorm fashion, my neighbors occasionally trigger the fire alarm in the middle of the night. This happened today at 3 a.m.
What followed was predictable:
- The fire alarm goes off long enough for us to be concerned that we will die in an inferno, so we all haul our dogs outside.
- The dog parks on the property fill up quickly with bleary-eyed residents and dogs who are completely off-schedule.
- All of the dogs proceed to freak out and bark at each other.
- We feel obligated to scold our dogs in hushed voices, despite the blaring fire alarms.
Of course my hallway completely reeks of marijuana after I return from the impromptu dog walk.
The surprise dog walk means that I was late to my regular 5:30 a.m. jaunt, and my plans to dominate this week’s Fitbit challenge are foiled.
However, an unscheduled dog walk is still preferable to death-by-fire, so this isn’t completely horrible.
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