legal humor

Oh, so you’re the one with the blog!

During accepted students weekend, the 0Ls are divided into four different rooms. The 0Ls sit while different sets of people come and talk at them for 10 minute increments.

Because I love my law school, I volunteered to be the token “glowing 1L.”

This morning me and a 2L spoke to the four rooms of 0Ls about how amazing Minneapolis is.

The gist: “It’s not that cold, actually it is quite awesome, we have lives, seriously! Questions?” Repeat.

Meeting 0Ls is fun. The awkwardness is always amazing. And there’s usually an odd-ball question that makes participating completely worth it.

Little did I know that the wild-card question would be about me:

After we introduced ourselves in the third room one of the 0Ls raised his hand:
0L: “You have a blog, don’t you?”
Me: “Why yes. That would be me.”
0L: “I know. I did my research.
Well, then.

I sometimes forget that people other than my friends (and other blawgers!) read this blog…

…so to all you lurking UMN 0L’s: hello!


  • noogies
    April 18, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    OL checking in. I love your blog. Keep up the good work

  • MB
    April 18, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    Hey, I’m a fellow blogger AND a future 1L (and probably at The U, but I wasn’t there this weekend). And I read you long before it was cool to do so. 😉

  • Jansen
    April 18, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    Haha. Hey! And was it ever cool to do so?


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