Law School – 1L

Paralegal vs. Lawyer

According to the rankings, a career as a Paralegal (#17) is vastly more desirable than being an Attorney (#82). Why? The Paralegal’s Blog attributes the disparity to stress:
While lawyers rake in an average of $109,207, compared to a paralegal’s $46,155, being an attorney comes with enough stress and anxiety to bring the rating down to 82nd place.
I think the ranking is ridiculous. Saying a paralegal job is better than being an attorney is like saying people should opt for teaching high school drama because movie actors get brutalized by TMZ.

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  • rebecca
    January 12, 2009 at 2:15 pm

    I can see why they say that about the paralegal job because it is easier to get a job as a paralegal and they end up doing most of the work for the attorney’s anyway. It is also a lot cheaper to become a paralegal.


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