legal humor / the cases

Personal Jurisdiction: enter the dullness

I know I’m in trouble when my CivPro book tells me a chapter is dull…
“Nevertheless jurisdiction has continued to plague lawyers, judges and law students. Many, no doubt, would agree with the judge who observed that “the legal issues raised in these cases are rather dull. If Judge Wapner had to worry about personal jurisdiction, ‘The People’s Court’ would not be on television.”

The book quoted Hall’s Specialties, Inc. v. Schupbach, 758 F.2d 214 (7th Cir. Ind. 1985). The judge went on to say:

A greater sin than dullness, however, is that the cases are often difficult to decide because the body of law that has developed is confusing and contradictory.


  • Chère
    February 10, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    It’s amazing how much better my outlook on life got now that we’re no longer talking about jurisdiction in Civ Pro (not that it doesn’t keep popping back up, but still….). It’s no longer the worst, longest 90 minutes of my day. Close, but not the worst 🙂


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