HTC EVO 4G pictures / Life / pictures / Uptown Apartment

The sawdust attack

But seriously, I live a glamorous life.

kitchen floor construction

My kitchen floor was uneven for the longest time because the wood underneath it had water damage. The landlord replaced the floor, and that is what it looked like after the first day.

This is the finished faux-wood vinyl floor.

kitchen floor construction

The handyman who did the work kept apologizing for the smoke. I didn’t really understand what the big deal was until I got home today and everything in my kitchen was caked in sawdust.

I had to scrub all surfaces and rewash all of my dishes.

The rooms surrounding the kitchen are covered in soot. Not a ton, but enough to make it look like I haven’t dusted in months. I spent the evening scrubbing and vacuuming. Clean all things!”

I am also starting to wonder if home ownership is for me. I feel like I can barely control the dog hair in this two bedroom apartment, so I don’t know how on earth I could keep a house clean without skinning the dogs, which is of course a very real option.


  • Jenny
    April 13, 2011 at 11:06 pm

    These pictures remind me of the time my landlord had to do ” uneven floor work” in my bathroom. I came home from a work trip and found my bathroom floors ripped out just like your pic and the toilet in the living room!

    • Jansen
      April 13, 2011 at 11:23 pm

      Buhaha, at least he fixed it eventually? We had work done to one of the units here where the kitchen sink was in the bedroom for some reason… made showings super awkward.

  • Martine
    April 14, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    Owning our townhouse for five years has created less drama than you get in 2 weeks in your apartment! I think the trick is to buy something that has been decently maintained and is relatively new construction (like, younger than you are).

    • Jansen
      April 17, 2011 at 8:16 am

      Yeah, this building is from 1920-something, so it looks run down easily.


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