blog theory / college

Senior Year

Are you looking for some poorly written angst-laced posts? Well I have got a treat for you!

No.634 now contains my archive of posts from senior year of college.

Frankly, I don’t understand why anyone hung out with me.

It all started when I decided to transfer my domain to hostmonster (which hosts this site). The transfer deleted a significant number of images from my blog archives because the images were hosted on the old server. Basically, all the posts from first semester had lost their images! And I can’t just let my archives get sloppy because a lot of pre-law students read blawg archives, especially right before law school. And I like to show I care. Really…

Most of the images were on facebook, so I went through the tedious process of downloading a shit-ton of images from facebook and re-uploading them to wordpress.

As I reconstructed my archives from fall semester, I realized that this blog started in an odd way. I used Livejournal during college, and began the earliest incarnation of this blog during the summer before law school.

For a while, No.634 was my “law school only” blog. I kept a personal blog in addition to No.634.

The closer I came to starting law school, the more I found myself posting the same content to both blogs – the line between “blawg-worthy” and personal-blog-worthy blurred, and keeping two blogs seemed, well, stupid.

So I eventually gave up the personal blog and started blogging exclusively here. But the early archives of  No.634 still retained that odd, stuffy “business only” feel. So, to give everyone a more complete view of where I came from (ie, my angsty, annoying roots) I have added my senior year to the archives. And yes, they are tragic. Enjoy!

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