2L Fall Finals / dogs / Thomson Reuters


NPR said that the snow storm would worsen Wednesday. They used the term “blinding snow” so I figured that I had to go into work yesterday afternoon to avoid the impending whiteout.

I rethought the wisdom of going to work while crossing the Mendota bridge. The snow clung to my windshield and a semi-truck tailgated me Jeepers Creepers-style. I was surely going to die there on that bridge. Who was going to walk Harley?

I made it to work alive and worked for 10 hours.

I considered leaving around 7pm because the building felt abandoned and the snow had picked up – I felt like the lone beachgoer who didn’t get the memo about the typhoon.

After a gchat consultation with a classmate, I decided to stick it out until midnight, and I am glad that I did.

I was shocked by how bright it was outside of the office. A team of caterpillar plow trucks had cleared a pathway to my car, and one of the drivers lit up my car as I defrosted and scraped the windows.

The roads in Eagan were semi-plowed, and the speeding drivers of the afternoon had vanished to the ER.

I made it home before 1am. The next task was walking the much-neglected dog. I put on my gear: snowboots, face mask, 2 pairs of long johns, gloves… and then took Harley outside looking like a Chechen sniper.

Unlike the bitching I got earlier this semester, the dog LOVED the deep snow! He was so excited that I had to take him off the leash because he kept dragging me through the snow as if he was on an audition to become Santa’s next reindeer.

I took Harley to the park this morning so he could continue his frolicking. Pictures are here.


  • Soleil
    December 9, 2009 at 8:10 pm

    🙂 I just love your blog.

    • Jansen
      December 9, 2009 at 8:19 pm

      Haha, thank you!

  • Law school finals
    December 13, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    […] Snow. […]

  • Outline of 2L Fall
    December 29, 2009 at 10:27 am

    […] Snowstorm, and Harley meets snow. […]

  • Law school finals
    April 5, 2015 at 7:23 pm

    […] Snow. […]


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