The wet weekend started Friday night.
I got out of the office around 10 p.m. after an all-day meeting to find a tempest outside. I was completely soaked by the time that I got home — so much so that our front desk attendant refused to give me a package until I went upstairs and put on some dry clothes.
The rain continued throughout the weekend, but that did not stop us from going outside. We took an extended walk along the National Mall, wherein we and the dogs got drenched.
Afterward there was a meandering journey to find a lunch, where we got drenched again.
Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come — Hurricane Florence is expected to hit North Carolina this week. Although that is nowhere near D.C., my days from Florida taught me that this is close enough to be worried about a last-minute change in direction.

Hurricane Florence
The hurricane won’t really impact my short walking-commute to work, but I’m hoping that we’ll have enough sense to cut the dog walks and food runs shorter. ☔
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