This is how the conversation went.
Me: “Can I borrow your car to go to Taco Bell?”
Mom: “Sure…but you have to go to the 7th street one. It’s Christmas so US-1 is too dangerous.”
Me: “It’s not dangerous it’s like 9pm…”
Mom: “No! You are not crashing my car. I’ll drive you.”
The Taco Bell drive-thru line is ridiculous so we go inside. The tables and floor are caked in leftover wrappers and food…
Me: “The drive-thru is always crowded because all Taco Bells look disgusting inside. Even if they are new.”
Mom: “I think it’s the faded colors…”
The cashier walks past us to sweep. She stops when she sees the mess.
Cashier: “People are so fucking disgusting!”
Mom: “What was that?”
Cashier: “Oh! Nothing… sorry.”
Me: “She said that ‘people are so f-ing disgusting.”
Mom: “Oh, I heard her. I just couldn’t believe she said it...”
Further Reading...
Suruban Targets Only
April 28, 2011Souless Affection
October 29, 2008Best Week Ever 7 & 8: A long winter
March 13, 2011
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