The Townhouse’s Elegance Drag Show starts normally enough.
I took this during Pride, but forgot to post it, which is a shame because she’s fabulous.
And, for additional randomness:
Last night Alesus, Eric (of TCS fame), and I went to W. Night at the Townhouse.
W. Night means dollar beverages, lesbians with short hair, pretty black girls, hip hop, and hot messitude.
Oh, and midgets:
The picture quality on this blog has gone down since I bought a blackberry. The blackberry camera is convenient, but I realized how inadequate it was when I tried to take shots at the Townhouse:
Although the blurriness captures the excitement of the night, I would have preferred clearer shots.
More pictures after the jump.
After yesterday’s 10-hour workday, I met up with Phillip at the Eagle. We ran into Shannon, who ran into a piece of gum:
It’s late. Matt, Brett, Hair, Swan, and I are outside of Jetset bar. Brent and Hair are smoking. Hair looks bored. Matt wants to leave.
I leave the group to go to the restroom. When I come back outside I see Alig out of the corner of my eye.
Alig is your run-of-the-mill1 skeezy club rat, sort of like the club kids in Party Monster, except this is Minneapolis so half the time Alig is in track shoes and ill fitting shorts.
Reputation-wise, Alig is the equivalent of WMD or Pig Pen from the Peanuts: the tragic hot mess of the city who will soil anyone he talks to like broken septic tank. Behold: