There is a very interesting bit of legal investigative journalism over at Karasma Media.
The gist: There’s a very active twitter account called hklaw that is actually part of an online smear campaign1 against the Chicago-based law firm, Holland & Knight.
Hklaw has followed my twitter account, and I suspect it adds all of the lawyers and law students it can find.
The Hklaw twitter account and associated blawgs dominate the online conversation about Holland & Knight, and it’s all negative. Kara Smith has hopefully put a stop to this by emailing the marketing department at Holland & Knight.
But I wonder if it’s too late. If the H&K marketing department was unaware of this then they probably are too technologically behind to fix it.
Hklaw was my first exposure to the law firm. I wonder if that’s true for others.
Kara Smith drives the point home:
“Legal marketers, if you are not at the forefront of your online conversation someone else is going to be. I can not stress this enough. Obviously, now is not the time to be cutting back on your firm’s social media budget and be caught with your guard down. Law firms, if you’ve been skeptically sitting back on your heels waiting for evidence to prove social media’s viability for the legal industry, the jury’s verdict has just come in.”
Read Smith’s full post here.
1 Or as they call it, “an investigation.”