I didn’t rob my neighbors, I swear.
So I am in the parking garage by school, digging through my bag for my keys. Again.
I have a tumi bag. Tumi bags have way too many pockets. I’ve wasted many flustered hours in the parking garage, dumping my bag – legal pads and highlighters flying … and here I am again. Dammit.
I usually find my keys after 5 minutes or so, but not this time. I’m fumbling through my bag and about to let out a Charlie-Brown style ARGG! when my ziplock bag of carrots pops open and unleashes a horde of cut carrots onto the parking ramp.
The chopped carrots race the ramp. Passersby dodge the carrots and avoid eye contact lest I’m as crazy as I look. This is shaping up to be a pretty solid fail moment.
So, after 10 minutes and two bag dumps, I feel defeated and head back across the street to the law school.
It was only when I got inside the law school that I realize:
Well hot damn.
I had lunch at the Purple Onion to make myself feel better.
And yes, the parking ramp was still covered in carrots when I came back.
It’s 7am and I’m vacuuming the keyhole of my front door.
A neighbor walks by and avoids eye contact, for surely, I must have caught the crazy.
Yeah. I’m that guy.
But let me take a step back (as a certain prof would say) and talk about Wednesday.
Wednesday I had four classes. I arrived at the law school around 6:30am and read until my 8am legal writing class.
Our legal writing sections are in classes of 10 or so students. Each legal writing class is taught by a practicing lawyer and a 2 or 3L .
They brought bagels and it was awesome.
Contracts, Civil Procedure, and Torts followed.
Civil Procedure seems like a crucial course, but it also appears significantly more technical than any of my other courses. CivPro will be a challenge, but my professor uses powerpoints that make things infinitely clearer.
My classes ended around 3:30pm. I biked home and went to bed around 4pm.
Today I woke up around 2am, ate, and then went to the law library. I arrived around 3am.
The library was absolutely abandoned, and amazing. No flip flops smacking, panicked students whispering, or 3Ls glaring.
Around 6:30am biked back across the river to take a break at home.
When I got home I unlocked the door, walked the bike in, and then took my key out of the door…or rather, half of my key…
My key broke in the door.
Half of the key was stuck inside, and I attempted to get it out for about 40 minutes. Knives, paperclips, vacuums… nothing worked.
So, in defeat, I call a locksmith. They tell me that they’ll show up at 8:30.
Con Law was at 9:05.
After a quick expletive or four I decided to email my professor.
“Hi, I’m Jansen, and I can’t come to our first class today because I’m a space cadet who is unable to unlock his own front door without assistance.”
Well, I didn’t actually write that, but that was the gist of the letter.
Then, around 8:30 one of my housemates, a 2L, comes down. I told her of my key dilemma. She tells me that she’s going to study downstairs until 10:30 and didn’t mind waiting around for the key guy – aka, she completely saved my ass from missing the first day of Con Law.
I get to school, sit in the wrong room (the schedule they handed out at orientation had the wrong room number), but I eventually found Conlaw. And of course I had to walk up to the teacher before class, “Hi… I’m that klutz, please disregard that email.”
In class we discussed the DC gun ban and two of my classmates and I continued the discussion after class.
I then went to Contracts early and wondered, along with six other people, where the hell everyone else was.
Hm. Mandatory Lexis Nexis training maybe?
This is what we learned after the class poured in. Oops.
CivPro then Torts, then the grocery store for food and flowers for my attendance-saving housemate.
Some RNC on TV and now, back to bed. This is all.
Today we ran away to the beach. That’s all.