It’s about 10pm and Halvers and I are 50 feet onto the lake.
The dogs slide on the snow around us. We both have our blackberries out, googling “is the ice on Lake of the Isles safe to walk on?”
Google has nothing for us.
It is usually easy to tell when a crazy dog person “animal fan” approaches you at the lake. For example:
The lady in the blue coat has red flags all over her. If someone is already cooing over someone else’s dog, they will likely do the same with your dogs.
Winter smacked down during these past two weeks.
I enjoyed one last day at the lake and then Minneapolis got a foot of snow in an epic snow storm.
Let’s just be real: the whole point of having dogs in Minnesota is watching them slide on ice.
There’s usually a moment on my dog walks where I almost hang Harley in an attempt to prevent him from eating goose poop.
Today I tried a new tactic: the epic flip-out. And it worked! Harley dove for a piece of goose crap and violence ensued.1 I try not to get animal abuse-y, especially in public, but it was totally worth it because Harley wouldn’t even look at the poop after that.
I took them on a second walk around lake Calhoun this evening and had no issues. Great success. And yes, I plan on doing the same thing if my future children even get NEAR goose crap. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.
More randomness around Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota tuition protest posters still cake campus:
This blog was way overdue for a new header, and I decided to feature Harley this winter.
He’s disgusting by the way…
Yes, the drool gave him the leaf-mouth-earrings. Sigh.
Alesus and I decided to take a nature-tour with the krakens. Of course the path near the river was flooded and the dogs had to charge right through the middle of the muck:
And I, being ever so prepared, decided to wear flipflops.
Good thing the dog harnesses made it super easy to throw the dogs in the river to torture clean them off.
And yes, the back seat of my car is a hot mess.