I have two twitter account.
My @dennisjansen account is for friends, news feeds, and celebrities that I follow closely. It also updates my facebook status, so my tweets are less frequent.
I update my @dennisjansen more frequently, add people more freely, and use the account to interact without cluttering up my friend’s facebook feeds.
I’ve taken the approach of adding everyone who adds me on @dennisjansen, and this is a mistake, because not all twitter-friends are created equal.
Here is an example of the types of tweets I see through @dennisjansen:

These are the types of tweets that I see on @dennisjansen:

Needless to say, I have to wade through a lot of crap on the @dennisjansen account.
The point of the @dennisjansen account is not the amount of followers, but the ability to interact/network with more people. All off these marketing, news-aggregating, all around crappy twitterers are cluttering my feed, and some weeding is in order.
I’m going on an unadd campaign!
See also:
These people are not worth interacting with or following.