I finally made it to the State Fair this year.
And it was bizarre.
My first experience with the fair was unusual because I went for a “first-timers at the Fair” news story.
The State Fair marketing team ferried us around the park in these terrifying go-carts and allowed us to cut the lines, so it wasn’t a typical State Fair experience. That story is here.
And yes, a picture of me eating a corn dog made the print edition. Watch out, Anderson Cooper.
Michael and I went back a week later and had a “real” State Fair experience.
Here is what stuck out:
- Some fair visitors are surprisingly rude. Moms in particular had no problem essentially cutting people off and basically ramming people with baby strollers.
- The butter sculpture was strange. There was a cow with penguins eyeing its utters. I don’t understand.
- A lot of things are creepy. Besides the butter sculpture failure, there is a carnival barker with no legs, a lot creepy smiling corn dog pictures, and a Nicholas Cage ride.
Oh, and the giant cowboy puppet that talks!
Here are some pictures.

The creepy carnival barker at the State Fair.

State Fair of Texas butter sculptures. Why are the penguins eyeing the cow?

Big Tex at the State Fair of Texas.