I’m officially that guy who buys sweaters for his Chihuahua.
I used to think “those dog owners” were obnoxious, but clothing is actually a necessity for some dogs.
Günter starts shivering anytime it gets under 65 degrees, so the sweaters help.

Gunter is a two year old Chiweenie (half chihuahua, half dachshund).
This particular sweater is from Walmart.
I got it for $4 on sale.

Gunter is a two year old Chiweenie (half chihuahua, half dachshund).
There’s a myth that good dog clothes have to be expensive.
While certain boutiques in St. Paul charge exorbitant prices, most major retailers like Target and Walmart have decent dog clothes for under $15.
I’m also not one of “those dog owners” who splurges on dog clothing. Who does that?

Gunter is a two year old Chiweenie (half chihuahua, half dachshund).