blog theory

Tech Notes

Domain anonymity: I have recommended using the domain upgrade feature from in the past. I used the wordpress domain upgrade feature when I first started this blog and I was happy with the service.

When I moved to I saw an option to purchase “domain privacy” which is something that wordpress did not offer… and that is when I realized: Oh my god, my home address and phone number was public information for anyone who did a WHOIS search. Security breach!

I’m going to let all of you wordpress users finish hyperventilating.

What can you do? Well, I’m not sure if there is an answer other than switching to a domain provider that offers a privacy option.

The second, less scary, announcement is a little more techy and obscure. I’ve switched the permalinks around on this blog so a link like:

is now…

The old numerical links should forward. And it not… meh. Whatever.

It’s a SEO thing. Increases ad revenue and pays my bills. If your blog is hosted at then it should do this automatically.

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