
The banana-bearing monkey

There is a semi-sketchy Chinese restaurant in Jamie’s neighborhood that he has wanted to try for a while. We finally went yesterday.

The hostess was lopsided and creepy. The decorations were dated. The buffet was sparse and unfresh…so we opted for the menu…Jamie went to the restroom to wash his hands and came back with a massive grin:
Jamie: “You should go to the restroom before the food comes. Seriously. I strongly encourage it. Do you have your camera?”1
I couldn’t resist. I went to the restroom and saw THIS posted on the door:

And in case you weren’t sure: YES that is a picture of a banana-bearing monkey sitting on a toilet.

Hilarity. It made the entire trip worth it.

1 Yes, I usually carry a digital camera. Some things, like Mr. Banana here, have to be documented.

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