Law School – 1L

The day before

So there’s a hurricane in New Orleans and chaos in St. Paul…but my day was blissfully uneventful. I went to the library, then the gym, showered at home, and then went back to the library.

I did my Contracts and Torts homework while periodically checking the news sites for updates on Hurricane Gustav and the riots in St. Paul. Oh, I also twittered a my classmates who added me on facebook probably saw about a dozen status changes via twhirl. Sorry. Expect that.

I think I did all of the Torts assignments for the week…but I’m not sure because the syllabus isn’t on Twen, law school’s answer to Blackboard. Hm. For all I know I read the wrong pages. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow because…

Tomorrow is my first day of class and it begins with a 5:45am trip to the gym. Vöt!

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