
The Schedule

Me: Hello, Is this the law school registrar? Yes, well, I just moved to Minneapolis from Miami. A package from the law school arrived in Miami the day I moved. It was supposedly forwarded to Minneapolis… but it’s been a week and I haven’t received it yet. Is there any time sensitive material in there?

Registrar: No, not really, it’s just your class schedule and registration packet.

Me (slight gasp): Erm, Well –

Registrar: Don’t worry, it’s nothing that I can’t print out for you here. Second floor of the law school. See you soon.

Heh, well.

My class schedule, (as far as I can discern…)

10:10-12:10 – Contracts
1:25-2:20 – 1L Lecture Series
2:30-3:25 – Torts

10:10-12:10 – Contracts
2:30-3:25 – Torts

10:10-12:10 – Contracts
1:25-2:20 – Civil Procedure
2:30-3:25 – Torts

8:00-8:55 – Legal Writing
9:05-10:30 – Con Law
1:25-2:20 – Civil Procedure
2:30-3:25 – Torts

9:05-10:30 – Con Law
11:15-12:10 – 1L Mandatory Lecture Series
1:25-2:20 – Civil Procedure

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  • ugapreston
    August 14, 2008 at 2:40 am

    TWO HOURS OF CONTRACTS THREE MORNINGS IN A ROW STARTING WITH MONDAY??? Dude, that sucks…but hey, you’re done by 2:20pm on Friday, so it’s not ALL bad.

  • dennisjansen
    August 14, 2008 at 9:20 am

    Haha it should be fine! 🙂


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