picture of the day

The tatted-door

From an East-Bank tunnel…

The law school is on the West Bank of the Mississippi River. The University of Minnesota’s  West Bank was developed in the 1960’s, so it’s a case study in architectural fug:

I know. It makes me want to cry too. Even Ulan Bator has nicer buildings…

The East Bank is a mix of the most historic buildings and the newest buildings on campus.

This picture is from the U of M wiki page…the rest I took…

Most of campus is connected by tunnels so we don’t freeze to death during the winter. The west bank (while ugly up top) has the better tunnel system. The west bank tunnels contain food courts, cafes, and classrooms. They are more like hallways than “tunnels”…

Whereas the East bank… think dark, pipe-lined, basement-like tunnels. That’s where the door from the first picture in this post is from.

Here is a closeup of the tattoo:

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