Law School – 1L

Thinking like a lawyer?

I came home from work yesterday and opened my car trunk to fetch my laptop bag.
I love the trunk of my car. It’s clean and smells amazing because I spilled an entire bottle of febreeze in it…

In my trunk is a big plastic bin where I keep my car-stuff: windshield wiper fluid, sanitary wipes, car brush…etc.

The lid was off the bin and I noticed the label for the first time:

Now, if I had seen this last week I would have sat in the middle of my driveway and laughed. But after reading Termination of Parental Rights1 cases for the past week, I thought, “Oh, that label is a good idea!”

The thinking like a lawyer bit? I think that happened today.

1 Aka, real-life horror stories. Seriously. These cases are a hot mess… the parents are a mix of Amy Winehouse and 50 Cent, minus the record deals.

1 Comment

  • Best Year Ever: Outline of 1L Spring Semester | Dennis Jansen
    March 12, 2015 at 8:47 am

    […] Thinking like a lawyer! (Finally) […]


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