Minneapolis-St. Paul / picture of the day

Tuthill’s Balloon Emporium

There are “Vote Meg Tuthill” plastered all over the neighborhood. She’s running for city council and apparently the owner of Tuthill’s Balloon Emporium:

Tuthills Balloon Emporium

I thought the Balloon Emporium was abandoned when I first saw it, but it is still in business and I think it is like a Party City store.

I told Joel how appalled I was that two people on Saturday had never heard of Party City.

He nodded understandingly and then told me that he had never heard of it either. Why do so many Minnesotans not know about the “nation’s largest party retailer” according to Wikipedia? Does everyone just go to Target?

After we figure out this answer we’ll get to why I am suddenly on a Party City awareness campaign.

I expect my check in the mail. Thank you.

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