What happened this week? Well, it’s fall.
The tree leaves colored, launched themselves from their branches, and blanketed every corner of Minneapolis. The leaves are crunchy too! Walking around feels like smashing Sun Chips, minus the faux-healthy chip grease and glaring janitor.
School picked up. I’m constantly writing essays, drafting impressive looking yet completely inept court documents, and reading. I have yet to miss a class this semester because attendance is a huge bulk of every grade and I usually have an assignment to turn in.
This coming week I have to present a case in one of my legal history classes. So far the presentations have been fairly lackluster and I am grateful that the bar is still low. My measure of success is remembering to move to the side of the screen so words aren’t projected on my forehead.
I also reserve the right to say the phrase “um, and, suchas” at least twice. I might even work in, “hide your kids, hide your wife” because I’m a 3L and the professor won’t catch the reference.
I am also single again. It was an undramatic and hopefully cordial breakup. There are no Aprils or Jacks here.
I couldn’t the muster the energy for such drama. Goodness.
I should create a dating application with a corresponding point system once school calms down. I already have the first question prepared:
Pick the phrase that describes you best:
- Hobo Chic.
- A Gorilla Juicehead.
- It rubs the lotion on its skin.
- EBT Diva.
- Hoarder.
- Hipster Hitler.
- Salad Fingers.
Guess which answer gets the most points!
October 11, 2010 at 10:54 pmI bet new readers to this blog will be confused about this entry’s title (best week…) and the disclosure of your break-up.
You’re not moving (again), are you? Who gets the dogs?
October 12, 2010 at 12:59 amHaha, I think people will recognize a weekly summary post. And if not, eh. The bulk of my readers are recurring ones.
And no, not I’m moving… I think? Dogs go to the highest bidder!