This weekend was delightfully quiet.
We spent our time chowing down on Gardein and watching TV.
This is what 29 looks like.
One of the best things about the new apartment is that we have HBO Go, which means that I finally got an opportunity to watch the Beyonce On The Run Tour special.
The timing for my Beyonce binge was perfect because she’s apparently going to release a new video album/TV special/whatever-the-hell soon:
I am so excited.
This must be how diehard Apple fans feel when a new product is about to be launched.
However, the brooding preview video looks like the silly clips that preceded Rihanna’s ANTI album.
Watching the On The Run Tour also made me nostalgic for Beyonce’s epic weave. Remember that piece of art?

Watching Beyonce’s On The Run Special for the first time over the weekend. Look at that HAIR!
By-the-way, does anyone remember Lana Del Rey’s Tropico music video/movie/whatever-the-hell from 2013?
Let’s hope Beyonce isn’t recreating that.
Aside from Beyonce, we also got into “Twin Peaks” and did a little celebrating.
Twin Peaks is a mystery TV show from 1990. The show is supposedly coming back next year, so we decided to check out the original.
The pilot episode of Twin Peaks is LONG.
Like, 94 minutes, “is this going anywhere?” long.
We stuck through it despite catching ourselves perusing Instagram through some of the show.

Watching the original Twin Peaks TV Show.
Length aside, the series is worth watching for the bizarre characters and melodramatic acting.
Also, the styling is strangely contemporary. I guess fashion works on a 25-year cycle.
You can catch the show on Netflix.
We weren’t complete recluses this weekend.
On Saturday we had an impromptu birthday celebration for our neighbor Daniel. (He turned 29.)
After some cocktails at the new apartment, we decided to head over and check out the newly remodeled Station 4 drag room.
They got rid of the wall murals (seen here), painted, and added a digital screen to the stage.
The renovations look great – although S4 tends to oversell the uniqueness of the venue. Yes, we are very fortunate to have a dedicated drag room in Dallas, but similar venues exist in Miami, Vegas, Chicago, and even Minneapolis.
After S4, we popped next door to TMC, which is always a raging shitshow interesting people watching. We left at bar-close (because, Saturday) and were surprised by the line at S4.

The line outside of S4 nightclub
S4 is the only bar in the gayborhood open until 4 a.m., so people pay a premium for the 2 extra hours of dancing. This is similar to the Gay 90’s and Saloon in Minneapolis, except the venue is way larger.
It stormed all of Sunday, so it was another TV day – House Hunters International, The Fashion Fund, and Stepford Wives.
And man, was rewatching Stepford Wives amazing.
If only every weekend was like this…
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