Uptown Apartment

Mystery solved!

There was a notice posted on the front of my apartment building for several weeks. It was from animal control. Someone’s dog and cat had been impounded.

Exactly which neighbor had their pets confiscated was a mystery until yesterday when I ran into Maggie.

Maggie lives down the hall, right next door to Yesina. Maggie is always aware of all the building gossip so of course she knew whose pets were taken:

Maggie: “Oh, that was the guy who lives above me. You didn’t know?”
Me: “No…”
Maggie: “Yeah, he was this morbidly obese guy who would never walk his dog. It was a sad, deranged looking thing. He would only let it pee and poop right in front of the building and never let anyone pet it or touch it. It was strange. Well, he died. And god knows how long he was in there because they had to go in with hazmat masks and everything. I think the pets were in there with him for several days. I called the animal shelter to make sure that the poor thing wasn’t going to be put down but some rescue group had already snatched him up…”

Oh my goodness.

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