1L summer / dogs

The tornado

Student alone

I am halfway through a habeas case at work when Jill, a coworker, turns to me and says:

Jill: “Tornadoes in downtown Minneapolis!”
Me: “What what?”
Jill: “That’s what they are saying on NPR. Check online.”

Sure enough, reports are coming in that a Tornado touched down near my apartment. The local websites say that the storm is heading northeast. I work southeast of downtown Minneapolis, so I figure it is safe to leave work and check on the dog.

And I am wrong.

The drive home is the second-most terrifying drive I have ever been on.

I am a quarter mile away from work when the radio tells me that tornado warnings were just issued for the area that I am driving through. Where’s Helen Hunt when you need her?

The tornadoes that hit downtown were rain wrapped, so the blinding rain that I hit on the Mendota bridge is not appreciated. I am convinced that my car will be tossed into the air Back-to-the-Future style and I will be forever known as the idiot who died while driving during a tornado watch.

But there are no flying lessons in store for me. I manage to avoid the tornado-hit sections of town (and the flooded highway) and make it home to a “What the hell are you doing here?” look from the dog.
I walk the dog and decide to go back to work, but I forget that the highway is shut down and I end up following a detour right into the tornado-hit area of town.
Trees are down, cars are damaged, and bored-looking cops are directing traffic away from the neighborhood.

It was a mess, but nothing like Miami’s hurricanes or last winter’s snowmageddon.

Everything turned out fine, but I can’t help feeling like I traded one natural disaster for another…

Edit: here’s video of the tornado


  • John
    August 20, 2009 at 9:05 am

    During 1L I was doing my oral argument at about 8:00 at night during the spring. I led off, and went through the argument, sat down, listened to everyone else, did the rebuttal, and we were done. I then had the following conversation with a friend:

    Friend: That was cool how you weren’t even fazed by the tornado siren that went off.
    Me: What tornado siren?

    Apparently I had such tunnel vision that I didn’t hear a tornado siren. I’m afraid to think about what I would have done if everyone had ducked for cover or the power had gone out.

    • Jansen
      August 20, 2009 at 11:43 am

      You were focused on defending your client! (if it was a crim case) that’s not bad!


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