2L Fall Finals

Bumps, infamy, and awkwardness

It’s 8:23am and 17 degrees.

I was supposed to leave for my last tax law class at 8:20am, but I am still on my street, attempting to start my frozen car.

The car starts.
It’s time to do a 3-point turn.

I move the car into the street and my brakes fail. All I can do is clutch the steering wheel and give a pathetic look as my car slowly slides into the side of the car across the street.

Luckily, my car is sliding SO slowly that I don’t leave any dents or set off any alarms. I did a quick check to see if anyone saw the hot messitude and then booked it to class.

Tax began with chocolates and veiled threats:

Professor A: “I think, when you look back on this semester, and particularly this class, you will remember that this is the first class you had at 8 in the morning…
…and now, the last day of class is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor! President Roosevelt said that this is “the day that will live in infamy” and I don’t know if that pertains to this class or the exam…but uh, I decided to start the day by giving you something. So here are some chocolates!”

Professor A ended class with a longer, prepared speech. And that was it. My tax class was over. Tax was definitely my favorite class this semester, probably because it was the most challenging. (And yes, I was a CivPro buff 1L year as well…)

The final is in exactly a week. Heavenly

My Real Estate law professor had a shorter speech:

Professor E: “Thank you for a great semester. Even from the first day you’ve been great, which is unusual…

Professor E then darted out of the room as we clapped, which was awkward, but as a 2L I have grown to expect, accept, and embrace the awkwardness that is law school.

It’s like being in a Dilbert Comic strip with heavy books and beavers instead of cats.

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