1L summer

964 pages…

I had a dream last night about petitioning.

I am at work and Jill walks in. Jill looks extremely tired and distraught. She plops her bag down and sits in the cubicle next to mine:
Jill: “Did you start petitioning yet?”
Me: “I pick my packet up tomorrow. How is it going?”
Jill: “I just finished reading all of the materials.”
Me: “How long did it take you?”
Jill: “Two days.”
Me: “Eek, how long is the petition?”
Jill: “964 pages.”
I woke up, walked the dog, and decided that if the petition was under 964 pages then it wouldn’t be that bad – and I was right – the petition is a third of that length…


  • Chere
    May 23, 2009 at 1:31 am

    We don’t have law review write on until August. Even then, it’s only a partial write on – I can’t remember what the percentile cut off is…top 25% maybe gets to write on. I’ve got no interest in law review, but might try to get onto one of our topical journals which is more up my alley.

    Good luck!

  • Jansen
    May 23, 2009 at 10:06 am

    At UMN we submit one application that goes to all of the journals. I think law review has 20-something spots that are 100% application based. No grades considered.

  • Laura
    May 23, 2009 at 11:25 am

    It did take me two (plus) days to read all of it though…

  • molly
    May 23, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    wow. sounds intense. good luck!

  • Settled | Dennis Jansen
    April 1, 2015 at 9:32 am

    […] have dominated my apartment. I always had something better to do than unpack and clean (Finals, petitioning, not petitioning, working…etc.) so I never felt fully moved […]


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