Just Sayin

It’s Liberal Hunting Season, apparently.

In their efforts to alienate every young, moderate conservative, Republican candidates are now sending messages like this to my inbox:

republican crap

Full text after the jump

It’s Liberal Hunting Season*

Time to Load Up* Conservative Candidates’ Bank Accounts

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Over the last few decades the liberals have gradually taken over our media, our schools and have inserted their leftist agenda into our homes and businesses. That changed, however, on January 20, 2009. Barack Obama took over as President and the extreme liberals have gone off the socialist deep end.

They have taken our money, our health care, our jobs, our clunkers and most importantly our beloved American capitalism and redistributed it without our consent.

TRUE STORY: Nancy Pelosi actually had the audacity to say that ObamaCare was an “entrepreneurial bill” because it encourages people to quit their productive jobs and pursue their hobbies full time…and don’t worry the taxpayers will pick up the bill for your health care.

Sorry Nancy, that is not the correct definition of entrepreneur — that is the definition of a socialist welfare state.


Please Contribute $5, $10, $25, $50 or More to Win Back Our Country

Let’s never forget that President Obama recently lectured the American people that “at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” Well, thank you for that, Mr. President. Who asked you?

This is the same man, our President, that in 2001 said the Warren court failed to “break free from the essential constraints” in the U.S. Constitution and launch a major redistribution of wealth but that he believed the legislative branch of government, rather than the courts, probably was the ideal avenue for accomplishing that.

NOW, this same collectivist crowd wants to reform redistribute our financial system? Really, what more do they want from us…

Oh yeah…

They want us to zip our lips, put down our “Don’t tread on me” signs, turn off talk radio and Fox News and turn a blind eye to the greatest generational theft in our nation’s history.

My name is Brad Goehring and just like you I have had enough. I decided to run for U.S. Congress against a liberal incumbent Jerry McNerney.


Please Contribute $5, $10, $25, $50 or More to Win Back Our Country

The mainstream liberal media must believe I am going to win because they have set their sights* on my campaign.

I must be the new “most hated conservative” in America.

Over the last few days I have been slammed because I simply posted a widely used idiom on Facebook about it being “Open Season for Hunting Liberals between now and Election Day.”

The vicious attacks from the extreme liberal media and the blogs have been shameless, over the top and unrelenting. Keith Olbermann, the Daily Kos, and other radical liberal bloggers and reporters have even said or insinuated I was a Nazi because of my German descent.

My father served in the Korea, and his brothers all served in WWII. They deserve better than having their name slandered because of their German descent. They deserve respect for protecting our liberty and right to speak freely.

Now, I know the liberals will continue to attack me because I am a threat to their big government socialist agenda. I wear the smears and cheap shots of Daily Kos, the leftist bloggers and Keith Olbermann as a badge of honor.


Please Contribute $5, $10, $25, $50 or More to Win Back Our Country

I make NO APOLOGIES about doing my duty to bring down a liberal like Jerry McNerney with the most potent ammo in democracy’s arsenal* — VOTES!

This is just one more example of liberals trying to silence dissent through intimidation. I am up for this fight and won’t back down because the future of our country is at stake. The radical liberals in this country have gone too far once again. The extreme left head right for the smear machine to intimidate conservatives into silence while they bankrupt the country and take away our freedoms.


Maybe it’s not politically correct but I’ll say it again and again — I call for the defeat of as many liberals as possible on November 2nd to stop their radical socialist agenda.


Brad Goehring

Republican for U.S. Congress

2529 W. March Ln. Suite 202

Stockton, CA 9520

P.S. Please help me fight these relentless attacks from the left. Make a LOUD and CLEAR statement that they will not silence our dissent. Not now, not ever.

*Note to The Politically Correct Liberal Police (Specifically Keith Olbermann):

The above sentences with asterisks are metaphors.

My thoughts? This is as exhausting as addressing the campus crazies. I just hope that Republican leaders realize that being the party of CooCooCaChoo is going to turn off most moderates.


  • Caryn
    May 19, 2010 at 10:02 am

    What. A. Douche. And from a professional communicator’s viewpoint, this is the most unprofessional, disjointed piece of communications I’ve seen in a while. I guess they’re writing to the lowest common denominator.

    • Jansen
      May 20, 2010 at 10:13 pm

      But he’s the MOST HATED CONSERVATIVE IN THE COUNTRY! otherwise, I agree.

  • Laurie
    May 20, 2010 at 9:07 am

    It makes me almost never want to vote, watch or read news, or look at another politician as long as I live. It’s a circus.

    • Jansen
      May 20, 2010 at 10:08 pm

      I keep getting more crazy emails from these same people… I think it’s the McCain mailing list that was sold…

  • TDot
    May 27, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    The printed fundraising letters are just as bad. I always chuckle at all the *BOLD TEXT* and _UNDERLINED WORDS_ ::smh::


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