3L Fall Summaries / Life

Best Week Ever 9: the clinic and the jugs.

It was a long, busy week. But, this is law school right?

Despite last week’s freeze, it’s still fall:

fall in minneapolis

I walked the dogs around the lakes almost every morning this week. I want to get as much lake time in before the weather stays below freezing.

The tax clinic dominated the beginning of my week. I figured out that this clinic consists of periods of phone tag, waiting on clients, and then getting inundated with paperwork. This was a paperwork week  despite a lingering phone-tag subplot with the IRS.
I pulled two 10-hour days at work this weekend because the clinic hijacked the beginning of the week.  Next week will be more balanced (it better be!)
I did get some social time in. On Friday, Alesus, Richy, and I went to Jetset bar. The DJ played Video Phone without me requesting it, which made my night.

On Saturday night, Jeckel and I went to the Showplace ICON theater. I love the Showplace ICON because not only is it the local Swankadoodle theater, but it is also on twitter and has amazing customer service. The person who runs the ICON’s twitter stream had a manager email me, and we worked out the $27-ticket refund issue.

Jeckel and I saw the movie “Due Date” which is a dull film in the “Hangover” genre. When we picked up our tickets at the kiosk, I had to reach deep up into the machine to get the second ticket, which is exactly what caused last time’s ticket mix up. Now I know.

Luckily, we were tardy and the usher would not let us in because the movie already started, so we had an hour to burn while waiting for the next showing.

The unexpected hour gave us time to check out Toby Keith’s “I love this Bar and Grill” which is in the same mall as the Showplace ICON.

And you know what? I freaking love that bar and grill!

There were cowboys, cute cowgirls, and sassy middle aged people drinking out of jugs. It was like someone turned the state fair into a bar. AMAZINGNESS.

I need to drag some of my straight female law school friends there so they can find cowboys to date who will fix my car on the cheap. Because what’s the point in setting up your female friends if you can’t get a discount, right?

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