HTC EVO 4G pictures / Life / Minneapolis-St. Paul / pictures / Tader

Halloween shenanigans

Well! This was a rather successful Halloween. I decided to decorate the house because this was my first year giving out candy. These $5 window-hangs did the trick, although they were way more gruesome than I expected.

Halloween Minneapolis

We went out the night before. I was a zombie lesbian soccer player. Tader was a runner who had been hit by a car. I think my costume was a little grosser.

Halloween Minneapolis

And yes, it was hard to get into the Gay 90’s. The bouncers were alarmed that my ID was clipped and apparently my makeup made me hard to recognize. We finally got in, and it met Nikki Minaj!

Halloween Minneapolis

The party continued at the Saloon where we caught the tail-end of the costume contest.

Halloween Minneapolis

It was a rather rough walk home but Halloween was a hilarious. Good thing it’s not cold yet, right?

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