Law School / legal humor / on the record

On the Record: Office Hours & Frosty the Snowman

Imagine reality…
Professor C: “Say the hypothetical was that the housing market in this case crashed – hard to imagine I know – so… ”
Professor C: “Pig iron turns out to be just some sort of iron…And to manufacture pig iron, you need buildings, you need machinery, turns out it’s a complicate process…”

A man’s folly.
(Professor C pulls out a 3 foot tall statue of Frosty the Snowman)
Professor C: “So Mark, what if I pay you to build a huge statute like this in my front yard. As you can see, it looks just like me… and so you start the job, put a little golden base in and then say, ‘this is stupid...”
Jane’s got some issues…
Professor T: “So Jane this was the problem you were having when you were shoplifting a few weeks ago…”
Professor T: “He destroyed his own property! Which is the best test of this true faith belief!”
Professor T: “We have a lot of ways of describing Menloves…”
When you’re naked
Student: “The Plaintiff thought it was safety glass! You know when you’re in the bathroom and all naked … I mean it’s scary.”
Professor T: “He never thought about it! He wasn’t like, ‘Oh, is it safety glass or regular glass? Am I going to the bathroom naked or in armor?”
Giving Up…
Professor T: “I’ll answer my own question now since I’ve asked it three times…”
Office Hours on the rocks…
Professor T: “Only a few of you have come and visited me at office hours and it makes me so lonely. So I have an alternative. Get together a few people and we’ll get some beers.”

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