1L summer / humor / Uptown Apartment

A fat person’s apartment

Kitchen laptop

I’m making birthday plans with Jack & Company over the phone:

Jack: “Should I just come over at 10 before we go out? I want to see the dog!”
Me: “Erm. I have to clean my apartment first.”
Jack: “You are NOT cleaning your apartment on your birthday!”
Me: “Oh, yes I am!”
Jack: “It’s your birthday! You shouldn’t be cleaning! I can clean your apartment for you or hang out when you’re cleaning.”
Me: “That’s my birthday gift to myself actually. My apartment is getting fat-people messy.”
Jack: “Huh?”
Me: “It looks like a fat person’s apartment – and come to think of it I HAVE gained weight these past few weeks!”
Jack: “Fat person’s apartment?”
Me: “Have you ever noticed how the people who are morbidly obese tend to have the junky cars, offices, and houses? It’s like a lifestyle of slovenly. Every unwashed dish is a inch on my chin!”
Jack: “Well I don’t care!”
Me: “It’s not about whether about you care. It’s about whether I care. You know what? It’s like diarrhea. I don’t care if people know when I have diarrhea, but it doesn’t mean I want to have it in front of them. That is why no one can see this apartment like this!”
Jack: “…”
Me: “Got you with that one didn’t I?”
Jack (laughing): “Yes. You did. Clean your apartment and call me.”


  • sadie
    July 10, 2009 at 8:27 am

    wow, way to be insensitive and not funny. taking you off my reader.

    • Jansen
      July 10, 2009 at 12:51 pm

      If you were expecting something PC then you haven’t been a subscriber for very long.

      There is a strong correlation between the cleanliness of living quarters and weight. Messy living quarters are indicative of self-neglect, and typically the person who doesn’t make time to clean their living space doesn’t make time to “take care of themselves” in other ways either, ie, working out, eating right. etc.

      And I definitely see a correlation between my fitness, eating habits, and the state of my apartment. The apartment is just a mirror for the amount of time I’m spending on my personal upkeep.

  • Chere
    July 10, 2009 at 4:32 pm

    I don’t know if there’s a strong correlation between my weight and the appearance of my apartment, but someone wise once told me that I would be able to tell how I was *really* feeling about life or a situation (stressed, upset, etc.) by the state of my desk.

    The messier my desk (or the rest of my apartment, really) the crazier and more stressed I am. Because even though that state of mind has me wanting things even cleaner and MORE orderly than normal, I just can’t deal with it to keep up.

    *and I don’t think this was intended to be insensitive…I think it was just a funny conversation…*

    • Jansen
      July 10, 2009 at 4:54 pm

      Haha, no, I never “intend” to be insensitive – that’s Howard’s job…but for me at least, when I’m stressed/messy that’s when I tend to gain weight. Jillian Michaels says that stress/lack of sleep is a complete metabolism killer. I think that has something to do with it.

  • rebecca
    July 12, 2009 at 12:56 am

    that is freaking hilarious!

    • Jansen
      July 12, 2009 at 1:23 am

      Haha, and insensitive, apparently.

  • Chere
    July 12, 2009 at 6:58 pm

    I totally believe that…but then again, I believe everything Jillian Michaels says 😉

    • Jansen
      July 13, 2009 at 3:55 am

      Haha, she’s the business.

  • A fat person’s apartment | The Marathons
    October 19, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    […] This post was originally published on No.634. The original post has a pretty interesting comment thread. The point is that neglect of […]


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