Sophomore Year

UMiami freshmen come, and drink

So the residents have finally come and I can honestly say that they are all cool. Not one asshole! Not one! I was surprised because in training they make you think you’re going to have a floor full of Bebe’s kids who do nothing but have keg parties, cut themselves, and talk about suicide. Well, not quite that bad, but you get the idea.

Someone in the other tower burnt popcorn at like, 2am. The fire alarm lights were flashing on our hall but I was asleep. One of my guys actually woke me up and then we all started knocking on doors getting everyone off the floor. Everyone was real cool about it. Again, in training we watched a video about this RA who was burned alive knocking on doors by herself because none of her residents would come out and evacuate. But we were all downstairs within like 2-3 minutes. Awesome again. There are some real interesting characters on my floor. No one’s creepy, – I expected to have at least two creepy guys, and no one is an obvious druggy.

I also had duty this weekend – ugh. How do freshmen get beer so quickly? We wrote up so many people it was ridiculous. Heard some stupid excuses too.

The top 5 stupidest underage drinking excuses of the weekend:

#5 “I don’t go here. Erm, yeah I do. Ye-no, I’m 21. I’m a junior… my student ID? I don’t know it. I don’t go here. Or wait, yeah I do. But I’m 20, I mean 21, and leaving. Bye.”

#4 “I tried to find a place off campus to drink but couldn’t!”

#3 “I like having my coke in plastic cups and shot glasses…”

#2 “…we only had a little bit a beer.”

And #1 “No one told me the rules.”

Hmmf. Yeah, whatever. It’s not the massive problem that they said it was going to be though. I think once the brunt of the class work comes along the partying will die down.

My next duty weekend? Halloween. Yes, I know – shut up.

Oh, and I’ve reintroduced myself to that thing, you know, the gym. I’ve lost 10 pounds since I moved to campus. Rockt. I’m sure most of it was muscle mass and water weight… dehydration is fun for the whole family (and yes it’s like 85 and I’m drinking coffee).

I haven’t had time to read journals. Sorry. One noteworthy entry from another journal is from – “something happened last weekend…something pre-eminent and noteworthy. serena and I crossed a very important milestone. yay the kind of milestone that is indeed a true test of what kind of parent you may be for the rest of your life. my child…my angelcake…my mild mannered sweet honeypot…wigged the FUCK OUT in public…” (read it)

Floor meetings and programming tonight… class tomorrow… aie. I need to pick up writing again. Ladidida.


  • davidmihm
    August 23, 2005 at 10:00 pm

    #5 is the best.

  • cmhkorn
    August 23, 2005 at 10:36 pm

    #4 and #2 really need to be flogged with dry bamboo.

    at any rate, I’m soooo excited/relieved/glad (…exlievad?) that you have such awesome guys on your floor


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