Life / Minneapolis-St. Paul

A bad sign

Computers at work

I went to Luther Nissan Kia yesterday because my windshield wipers broke again. My 30 minute appointment slowly crept past the 3-hour mark before I left. At first I was okay with the lengthy car appointment because it would allow me a chance to blog, but my new HP Envy laptop lagged so badly that I could not even type in Microsoft word properly.

A few hours later I parked at the Mall of America and walked to the Microsoft Store with my laptop. I felt like a complete terrorist walking through the mall with the computer bag. I even got a few nasty glares.

The techs at the Microsoft store had no idea what the problem with my computer was. I sat in the store for two hours while a very hilarious tech lady tried to fix it. Well, most of the time we just sat and stared at a non-responsive screen, but I appreciate her dedication.

Sitting in the store was also hilarious because four different groups of random facebook friends stopped and visited. Of course the gays would turn the Microsoft store into a catty social hour.

The techs eventually gave up on the HP Envy and made me check my laptop in. No word when it will be fixed yet. I bought the laptop not even two months ago, so this is a bad sign. Why is everything breaking?

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