Law School / legal humor / on the record

Best of Sunday

Today’s reading was pretty ripe with “the funny.” Here are the top three quotes:

“If there is a hell to which disputatious, uncivil, vituperative lawyers go, let it be one in which the damned are eternally locked in discovery disputes with other lawyers of equally repugnant attributes.”
Judge Bright from Dahl v. City of Huntington Beach, 84 F.3d 363 (9th Cir. Cal. 1996)

“If he would be a great lawyer, he must first consent to become a great drudge.”
– Daniel Webster (quoted in my CivPro book)

And from some “for fun” reading I did today, a quote that is pertinent to law school…

“It takes confidence and good will to day, “I didn’t understand so-and-so,” rather than, belligerently, “So-and-so makes no sense.” It is the nature of stupid people to hide their perplexity and attack what they cannot grasp.”
John Gardner, from On Becoming a Novelist

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