1L Fall Summaries

Best Week Ever #11

Thursday night, Paige and I find ourselves staring at an old brick building on a side street near downtown. We are trying to find the Lavender Bar networking event at Clubhouse Jäger.
Me: “Is that Clubhouse Jäger?”
Paige: “I don’t think so…WAIT IS THAT A HAND?”
I look up and see a hand reaching out of the second floor window. It looks like the hand from the Crypt Keeper.

After stepping back into the street we see that it’s an iron statue of a wizard crawling out of a fake second-floor window. What the…

The entrance of the building was behind a stone wall that had a large onion dome…it looked like an abandoned Disney exhibit…and was definitely not Clubhouse Jäger.

After calling 411 I realized our mistake: Clubhouse Jäger is at 921 North Washington Avenue. We were at 921 South Washington Avenue… about two miles away.

So Paige and I started our adventure through downtown Minneapolis – first to the Metro station, then on foot, past a seedy strip club district, and onward to North Loop, a swank gentrification/overpriced condo neighborhood.

We finally got to Clubhouse Jäger….although we were so late that there were only a few (somewhat tipsy) lawyers left. It was fun though. The bartender freaked both of us out. He started annoying me by the end of the night…

Me: “May I have a Diet Coke?”
Bartender-Jester: “And what? Vodka? Rum?”
Me: “No. Just a Diet please.”
Bartender-Jester: “Just Diet? South Beach? Adkins? Trimspa Baby?”
Me (With the hissy glare): “Diet Coca-Cola. Thanks.”

Just give me my damn beverage. No one asked you to be entertaining. And even if we did… fail whale fail.

Paige and I ran into a law student from another law school that we remembered from the Outlaw Pub crawl. He was plastered, and didn’t remember us from the last event, (which he was plastered at too).

Good thing he won’t remember us bringing it up. Yikes. I met another 1L (from a section I have no contact with), a recent UMN Law grad, and a hilarious (fiery!) judge/former prosecutor. This networking thing is fun…

Went to the 19 Bar on Friday and Saturday night. Good times. Although the pool players were ridiculous on Saturday. One in particular sorely needed a belt…

People were pretty sloppy on Saturday. I think it’s because Jamie and I got there so late. I opened the bathroom door and the door accidentally hit someone. At first I thought someone was standing in front of the door, but I was wrong – there was a guy sitting on the floor. Of the bathroom. That pee soaked floor.

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew – for real.

His friend was giving him the tsk-tsk look and said, “I’m going to get some water and then we are going to try to stand up okay?”

He nods. I judge.

Saturday was bizarrely productive. I did all of my contracts reading for the week at the Hennepin Library. Although my first spot was distracting – there was a guy watching a football game on a laptop and providing running commentary to the entire library, “RUN! RUN! RUN! SHITFUCK! FUMBLE!”


I moved to another section when the guy behind him started snoring loudly…

Stella and I were at the Hennepin Library earlier this week. And yes, the library has flickr.

The first thing I did today was go to the movies. I saw Quantum of Solace. Afterwards I went to Mrs. Fields and got what was a small bucket of oily pretzels. Delicious. I swear.

I got back to campus and realized that I had no highlighters in my locker. I went to the school bookstore on the other side of the river.

It was closed.

I then walked throughout stadium village and there wasn’t a single store that sold highlighters. Every other store sells beer, but I can’t get a single highlighter. Great.

I read torts at the new Dunn Brothers Café…underling instead of highlighting… I went home when they started playing Copa Copacabana on repeat.

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  • Zakiya
    April 15, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    “He nods. I judge.”

    Love, love, love it.


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