Watching Hugo grow during the past few months was fascinating.
Hugo went from an awkward puppy that excitedly pees on our neighbors’ legs to an awkward young dog that eats our socks. This is progress.

Hugo, a Labrador and Greyhound (?) mix.
One of the ongoing problems we have is preventing Hugo from jumping to greet people and other dogs.
This is particularly challenging because many people go out of their way to greet Hugo, and almost all of them think the jumping thing is adorable.

Hugo, a Labrador and Greyhound (?) mix.
To complicate matters, I typically juggle my dog leashes with a coffee cup or cellphone in one hand, which isn’t ideal for control. What usually happens is that end up spilling coffee all over myself while attempting to keep Hugo off of an overexcited Lowertown tourist.

Hugo, a Labrador and Greyhound (?) mix.
Guessing Hugo’s Mix
The adoption papers from the Animal Humane Society listed Hugo as a Labrador mix, but didn’t really specify what the mix was.
Initially, everyone assumed that the brindle color must be a pitbull indication, but we suspect that Hugo is actually a Lab and Greyhound mix.
He’s developing an increasingly narrow frame and looks very similar to the brindle greyhounds living on our floor. So that could be it, right?

Hugo, a Labrador and Greyhound (?) mix.
We’ll likely have a better idea of what Hugo is after he’s fully grown. For now, we’ll leave the paternity speculation to Maury.
- Hugo sleeping while we watch TV.
- Hugo taking a nap in the middle of the day.
- Hugo, a Labrador and Greyhound (?) mix.