I’m so horribly amused…
Professor C: “So, Daniel…”
Dan: “Oh, you can call me Dan. The only people who call me Daniel are my parents. Or you can call me JD-Baby.”
Professor C: “What? What did you say? JD…baby?”
Dan: “Yeah, you can call me either Dan or JD-Baby.”
Professor C: “Do you actually expect me to call you that?”
Dan: “I’m just giving you options.”
Further Reading...
Another day in tax law
November 3, 2009
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November 10, 2008 at 1:34 pmYour classmates are freakin nuts! I can’t believe they talk to the professors that way! I would die laughing every day.
guy fawkes
November 10, 2008 at 11:33 pmI appreciate any “lol” from Jansen. Thank you good sir! I will post more raccoon puppet pics in the near future.
Actually, I have another proposal for you…you’re a good writer, and I have need for your talent in starting a law school paper at my school. Please e-mail me, guyfawkesday@gmail.com, if you’re interested in contributing ANYthing at all, even just a random blog post now and then.
How about Hannah? « No 634
March 13, 2009 at 10:26 am[…] a lot of Professor L last semester. But, to be clear, the most ridiculous naming incident is still the JD-baby incident from […]
1L quotes
August 8, 2016 at 12:32 pm[…] You can call me baby. […]